What We Offer
Designed For You
When you join our class, I will address your strengths and needs individually and lead you in the right direction to reach your goals whatever they may be.

Joddi Yoga
Joddi Yoga or also known as a Couple or Pair Yoga, is a shared experience focused more on the connection with one another rather than just yourself. By engaging in yoga poses with your partner, you are accessing a whole new realm of benefits for both you as individuals and for your relationship together.
Garba Sankar Yoga
Garba Sankar or also known as PreNatal Yoga specially focuses during the 2-3 trimester of the pregnancy period. The postures for beginners are simpler than whats rumored, and you'll also meet other mums-to-be at your classes or you can have us come visit you at your home. The postures aim to gently allow the body to open or lengthen during a posture, rather than pushing to achieve it. The focus is on alignment and special breathing, and an emphasis on proper technique helps both mother and baby prepare for childbirth.

Bridha Yoga
Bridha or also known as Elderly Yoga focuses on the more seasoned and senior body types. As we’re living longer than we used to, high quality of life and good health is key for your Golden Years. Only yoga is the perfect activity to help achieve it. This type of Yoga is medically known as adaptive practices help seniors with even very limited mobility to do yoga. Adaptive yoga practices also includes; Chair or Water

Therapeutic & Restorative Yoga
Therapeutic & Restorative Yoga is defined as the use of yoga practices for the prevention and treatment of medical conditions.  Yoga helps one to reconnect with oneself. It can help to uncover why and how one’s illness may have started and can work with the body to start the recovery period from the ground up.

Holistic Energy Medicine
Holistic energy healing is categorised under the contemporary alternative medicine [CAM] and is based on connecting the subconscious and conscious, engaging the whole person to promote health and wellbeing. The therapy sessions includes flowers, sound, gem, colour and magnet therapy that help alleviate stress, negativity, chronic pain, and other conditions by improving your natural energy flow.
Star Seed Blueprint
Do you yearn for clarity, purpose, and deeper connection in your life? Star Seed Charting offers a unique approach to self-discovery, combining the wisdom of ancient traditions to illuminate your path. Discover your strengths, navigate challenges with grace, and create fulfilling relationships. Click to learn more and start living a life you love.